
Produits :: Enregistreurs/Lecteurs :: Enregistreur Multipiste :: X-48

X-48 - Station de travail à disque dur mixte 48 pistes

Ce Modele est arrêté. Il a été remplacé par le DA-6400.


"The price, the size and the dependability were all factors that made me think I should have all X-48s. I just finished recording James Blunt and did a 96-track recording of Barry Manilow with a huge orchestra. I used two X-48s as the main 96-track recording system and two more as a backup. I'm very pleased with the sound quality, the support has been great and I'm happy I went with the TASCAMs."
- Kooster McAlister, Record Plant Remote
(192 tracks of X-48)

"The X-48s are used to record live band rehearsals. This allows the mix engineers to perfect their mix and store them as console scene presets, so that when the bands perform live on the show those mix settings are instantly recallable. We also record all the live performances on the show for archival purposes using the X-48s, and they have performed perfectly and sound great as well."
- Paul Sandweiss, Sound Design
(96 tracks of X-48 live with Amercian Music Awards on ABC, Movies Rock on CBS and Celebration of Gospel on BET)